Shipping Charges:

Shipping & handling charges are based on the pre-tax merchandise dollar amount of your order after any deductions or promotional discounts. Orders with a merchandise subtotal of $20.00 or more will be given free shipping. Orders shipping to multiple addresses will be charged per address.

Not all services are available for all destinations. Service options will be displayed at checkout.

All orders over $150.00 will require a direct or indirect signature via USPS or UPS or FedEx. Delivery service will attempt to deliver 1-3 times, at which point the item will be returned to Relaxcation. Shipping Charges are Non-Refundable in this event.

Any order that is returned to Relaxcation because of an undeliverable address or after 3 failed attempts can be reshipped for an additional Shipping Charge equal to the original Shipping Charge of the order. Relaxcation will contact you for payment or your order will be refunded. Shipping Charges are Non-Refundable in this event.

Delivery Estimates:

Delivery Estimates are based on two factors: order processing time and time in transit. In Stock items will be shipped once the item is located, your payment is approved, and the receiving address is verified. For most orders, this process begins once your online order has been submitted. Depending on the time you place your order, the order process might not start until the following business day. Business days are Monday-Friday, excluding United States federal holidays. Please allow approximately 24-72 hours from receipt of order for shipment processing from our facilities. Please allow for a minimum of 5-7 business days for delivery unless faster shipping is selected at checkout.

During peak periods, you may experience longer than average order processing time. Based on your shipping address, Relaxcation Company will determine the most efficient method of delivery. If your order includes a pre-order or backordered item, shipping & handling will be assessed for the entire order at the time of the initial shipment.

Shipping & Handling is a Taxable Service

Relaxcation Company can ship internationally. Using a freight forwarder to ship items internationally may result in issues not covered by Relaxcation Company. If you use a package forwarding service to ship your order outside of the United States, then we consider their U.S. address to be the destination for your order. Our responsibility for loss or damage to your order ends once it reaches that address safely. We will not provide a replacement or refund for any items or packages delivered to you from a freight forwarder. You should refuse any items or packages that arrive damaged and instruct freight forwarders to do the same. Any items lost after delivery to you or the freight forwarder will be your responsibility.

Please email us at or via online chat on our website if you have any questions.